Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Greeting all from Nick Demske

Greeting all, I'm writing to let you know about the Poetry Roundtable series that The RPL and Java Vino coffee shop have been collaborating on recently.

Basically, the events consist just of a small group of people gathering to read and talk about the work of a different poet each month. This month we'll analyze the work of Sally Ball. For more information, check out the RPLs website for it at this link: http://www.racinelib.lib.wi.us/ContemporaryAmericanPoetry.htm
If you plan on attending, you can register by calling 262-636-9217 or emailing nick.demske@racinelibrary.info. That way I can make an adequate amount of copies of the poems. If you just show up, well, you might just end up having to share your copy with someone else. Devastating, I know.
We had a great time at the Roundtable last month, so I can't wait to do it again. Hope you're all having happy holidays and I hope to see you Thursday!

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