Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Library presents the Coupon Lady

The Racine Public Library will present Judy Williams, Racine's Coupon Lady, on Thurday
April 19 at 6:00. This workshop will help you live on a budget in these trying times. Judy will
teach basic principles and strategies to save you money, including: how to follow a more frugal
lifestyle; organizing, timing and planning skills that will help you take advantage of saving
opportunities! Seating is limited to 50 people, call Adult Services Desk, 636-9217, to you're your

For information or questions, please visit the Racine Public Library at 75 7th Street or call us at
262-636-9217. For a complete up-to-the-minute account of what's new at the library, visit us
on-line. You'll find the Racine Public Library on the web at,,, and

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